August 14, 2014

 August 14, 2014


Meeting called to order 1904hrs


Pledge of Allegiance


Moment of Silence


Roll Call


Minutes of the June meeting accepted by Frank (K2IYE) and by Tom (KD9RVC)


Treasurer’s report: Report given by Darleen (KC2HCW).  Accepted by Joe (N2RAI) and Steve (AC2ST)




Jim (WA2RJP) moved the Yaesu digital repeater from the 2m repeater to UHF, where digital will be the primary.

The 440/900 and packet are all working well at Lakehurst.

The 220 repeater still has a broken antenna. We have the antenna, just waiting for permission to climb the water tower by Rt 70 in Toms River.

Looking to have the Fall Hamfest in early November.




The Yaesu equipment we received for free is the club’s to keep after the 90 day trial is over.


July Birthdays were celebrated


Meeting closed 1933hrs – Motion by Frank (K2IYE) and Steve (AC2ST)