Meeting Minutes - December 8th, 2016
The Minutes of the December 8, 2016 Business Meeting are as follows:
* Meeting came to order at 6:30PM.
* Tonight was the annual JSARS Holiday Party, dedicated to the memory of Valerie Grasso, KC2KGE.
* Pledge, moment of silence, then attendee roll call.
* Ricky, KC2VXI presented the November JSARS ARRL Traffic Net Summary:
check ins 571
messages in/out 31/31
total net minutes 440
sessions 30
participants 599
* Holiday Party was a great success, lots of good food and drink, and the HT door prize was won by Rocky, N2YQS and the 50/50 by Lloyd, N2KPC. We had a total of 53 attendees!
* Holiday Party came to a close some time after 10:00PM.
Brian D. Price, WA2FAX