JSARS Constitution








We, the undersigned; being desirous to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of a Society of persons commonly interested in amateur radio communications.  The purpose is to gain better cooperation among amateurs, developing individual proficiency, furthering the interest of amateur radio in the general community, and contributing our assistance to the best advantage in the event of an emergency.  We do hereby constitute ourselves as Jersey Shore Amateur Radio Society, Inc. (which is herein after referred to as "the Society") and do enact this Constitution as our governing document.




All persons interested in the activities of the Society are eligible for membership as set forth in the By-Laws.




1) The officers of the Society shall be as follows:  President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Three General Trustees. And shall be maintained upon the vacancy of any position at the next regular business meeting.  


2) The officers of the Society shall be elected for a term of one year by a majority vote of the Voting Members at the first meeting in June, provided there be a quorum present, and shall take office immediately after the election.  In the event that there is not a quorum present at the June meeting, the election will be held as soon after the June meeting as possible.  Notice will be e-mailed to each member and or announced for the period of 7 consecutive days as to the new date. The current officers will temporarily remain seated to conduct the business of the Society and to preside over the election.


3) Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by a special election at the first regular meeting at which the withdrawal or resignation is announced, provided there be a quorum.  In the event the President resigns or is removed from office, the Vice President will automatically become President and the office of Vice President is then declared vacant.  A special election at the first regular meeting at which the vacancy occurs will be held, provided there be a quorum.


4) Any officer may be removed from office by a three-fourths ballot of the Voting Members at any regular meeting, provided there by a quorum.  A written notice proposing the removal must be submitted at the preceding regular meeting and must be presented to the officer in question at least twenty days in advance of said meeting.  The notice must be signed by one full member and contain the reasons for said removal.




1) The Executive Committee will adhere to Roberts Rules of Order as in affect at the time of said business is being conducted.  



2) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society and conduct same according to the Constitution and By-Laws, decide all questions of order, sign all official documents that are adopted by the Society, appoint committees and perform all customary duties pertaining to the office of the president.


3) The Vice President shall assume all the duties of the President in the absence of the latter.


4) The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of members, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting, verify that a quorum is present, and have the Constitution and By-Laws present at each meeting.  When directed by the President, the Secretary shall e-mail notices of every meeting or any special meetings to each member.


5) The Treasurer shall receive and record receipts of all monies paid to the Society.  Shall keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended.  Shall pay no bills without proper authorization by the Society.  At the expiration of his/her elected term, shall surrender all records in his/her possession belonging to the Society to his/her successor.


6) The General Trustees shall audit the finances and inventory of the equipment owned or on loan to the Society, at a minimum of once each year during the month of May.  Shall report the results of the audit to the members at the regular June meeting.  Shall file the annual report for the fiscal year for corporation with the Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey.  Shall act as purchasing agent for the Society by obtaining price quotations from at least two different sources for all purchases made by the Society in excess of Five Hundred Dollars (purchases to be made for the lowest possible price).  Shall maintain a complete inventory of all equipment on loan to or owned by the Society including the make, model, serial number, date of purchase, purchase price, physical location, list of accessories and purpose of each piece of equipment.  Shall maintain original copies of all equipment manuals and pertinent documentation.  Shall make copies of all manuals available to the repeater committee for maintenance purposes.  Shall provide a copy of said inventory for insurance purposes.  Shall cast the tie-breaking vote in the event of a deadlock within the executive board.


7) The executive committee shall establish the agenda and the procedures for the regular monthly meetings.






The By-Laws shall provide for regular meetings and special meetings.  Ten percent (10%) of the Voting Members or Twenty (20) Voting Members, whichever number is smaller, shall constitute a quorum.




The Society, by a majority vote of those present at any meeting, provided there be  quorum present, may levy upon the membership such dues or assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the Society within its objectives as set forth in the Preamble. Dues shall be for the period of January 1st to December 31st of calendar year.  Two months delinquency in payment of such dues or assessments shall be cause for removal from Membership in the Society as described in the By-Laws.




A two-thirds ballot of the Voting Members at any scheduled meeting may amend this Constitution and/or By-Laws of the Society, providing all members have been notified by e-mail or announced 7 consecutive days over the air at the time of the nightly traffic net of the intent to amend the Constitution and/or By-Laws at a specified time and provided there by a quorum.  Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing to the executive board that shall then establish a review committee of no less than four full members.  This committee in finding the amendment deeming shall then bring forth recommendations for amendments of the Constitution and/or By-Laws, which shall then be read at the next regular meeting and voted on at the following meeting.




The aims of this Society are as follows:  To promote amateur-radio activities of public service and participation in emergency communications when the necessity arises or when requested by duly authorized and responsible persons.  The Society may sponsor any endeavor, or engage in any other non-profit purpose exclusively for and on behalf of the membership of the Society.




The Society, for the non-profit purposes listed under Article VII of this Constitution, shall have the power to rent, lease, and purchase or otherwise acquire for any of its purposes, hold, pledge, sell, transfer, encumber, or dispose of any property, real or personal, of any kind.  To perform all lawful acts necessary and proper in the judgment of the membership to promote the non-profit objectives of the Society.  Subject in all particulars to the limitations relative to non-profit organizations, which are contained in the general laws of the State of New Jersey and Federal government any and all  regulations there under.





The Society shall enact appropriate rules for the prevention of radio frequency interference and set precedent for operation to be followed by member stations.  Members not complying with these rules or FCC regulations may be subject to suspension or expulsion from the Society only after a majority ballot of the Voting Members present at any regular meeting, provided there be a quorum.  The Society shall cooperate with any regulatory agency, when requested, to handle cases of interference caused by any amateur station operating within the area served by the Society.  The Society, through designated members, will assist interested non-members and other organizations concerning equipment design, operation and/or assistance in complete frequency observance, clean signals, uniform practice, and the absence of spurious radiation from the Society member stations.




The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Society who shall be elected by a majority ballot of the Voting Members present at a given meeting, provided there by a quorum.  The Executive Committee shall serve for a term of one year and may serve multiple terms.


Adopted:  2/8/73 Revised and Adopted 11/11/93


By-Laws Committee: Revised: By-Laws Committee:


R. Emig



R. Purdy


W. Brelsford



R. Stubbs


K. Brockel



D. McCauley


F. Post



M. Goldberg




















Constitution and By-Laws Committee: Revised:  10/29/00 Adopted:


Ed Genuine





James Flaherty





Paul Ferrara





Larry Winward







Constitution and By-Laws Committee: Revised:  07/12/2018

                                                                      Adopted  07/12/2018


Charles Rinebold


Richard Rutkowski


Bill Wolfe


KARL Rinebold