Meeting Minutes - March 2019

Jersey Shore Amateur Radio Society

Business Meeting 14 March 2019

The meeting was called to order at 19:00 EST by President Tom Russell, KD9BVC.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said, followed by a moment of silence and roll call.

Meeting minutes for February were read by Pauline Dzwonek, KD2NGS, filling in for Secretary Matt de Rouville, K3MR. Approval was moved by Dave, KD2IJH, and seconded by Dennis, W2DDS.

Treasurer Joe Russo, KD2NAY, gave the February treasurer’s report.  Approval was moved by Charlie, N1CRR, and seconded by Bill, KD2MZM.

Charlie, N1CRR, provided figures for the January and February sessions of the JSARS traffic net


· Check-ins:  551

· Messages in/out:  31/31

· Total minutes:  566

· Sessions:  31

· Participants:  582



· Check-ins:  473

· Messages in/out:  28/28

· Total minutes:  364

· Sessions:  28

· Participants:  501


Old Business

Charlie, N1CRR, suggested inviting other Girl Scouts to JSARS. President Tom, KD9BVC, thanked the Society for its concern and care for his brother.

There was a discussion concerning siding.  Rick, KC2VXI, said he would see if he could get a shed in neutral color from Grone’s.  Jim, WA2RJP noted the water company wanted a $1 million insurance certificate and for the Society to supply 2 runs of coax to the top of the water tower at $5,000 per run.  Mike, KC2RRJ, said he might have enough shingles to cover a 10x10 section.  Steve, AC2ST, said he would supply a half-wave antenna for the club.

New Business

Field Day is scheduled for 22 and 23 June.  We would set up at 8:000 a.m. on Saturday and go on the air at noon.  There would be three SSB units, and someone would need to pick up Willie, AA2SV.  It was suggested we investigate prices for a pig roast.

Pete, K3PMC, suggested making a donation to the American Cancer Society on behalf of Tom’s brother.

Rick, KC2VXI, suggested joining together with another repeater via EchoLink for the South Jersey Traffic Net.  JSARS’ EchoLink node is limited to 10 connections.  The motion was approved.

Dennis, W2DDS, asked for a check for the MS Walk.

Five new members were approved:

· Mike Kish, KC2RRJ

· Thomas Kovalac, KD2RDU

· Kurt Jensen, KD2RFY

· Shawn P. Hagal, N2ITG

· Richard Carpenter, KB3MBM

The group will be ordering black shirts.

The possibility of going to a Blue Claws game was mentioned.  The price has gone up this year.  Possible dates are July 11 or August 8, both Thursdays.  This information will be posted on the website and discussed next month.

Kurt asked about fundraisers such as a spaghetti dinner, pancake breakfast or poker run as run as fundraisers for the antenna.  This will be discussed next month.

Total Attendance was 26.

The meeting was adjourned after being moved by Dave, N2WCO.

Submitted by Matt de Rouville




Notes taken by Pauline Dzwonek