Business Meeting March 8, 2007 Minutes
The minutes from the March 8, 2007 JSARS Business Meeting:
- Meeting opened at 7:50PM by the President, Don, K2HCW
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Moment of Silence for our troops
- Minutes of February Meeting accepted as posted on web site Motion by Chuck. K2RXN and seconded by Brian, KC2NYP
- Treasurer’s Report Noted and accepted Motion by Kevin, KC2NYQ an d seconded by Brian, KC2NYP
- Roster is being assembled by Jim, KC2OUT
- Dues are every January
- Old Business
- The plans for a Hamfest in March at Riverwood are canceled.
- The new date for the Hamfest is August 18th at Riverwood.
- The Tiger Scouts presented JSARS with a plaque and their thanks for the demonstration. Ed, WA2NDA was kind enough to present the plague on behalf of the scouts.
- Name tags, EVAN, KC2QPH, has made some examples and displayed them to the members.
- Getting the logo on Cafe Press merchandize is still in process, the logo has to be resize for each item
- New Business
- Toms River Founder's Day is June 2, 2007. The club is looking for members to support the effort in downtown Toms River.
- The Ocean County Fair is July 10 - 15, 2007. The club is looking for members to man the booth and demonstrate Ham radio while the fair is open.
- The club is looking at getting a new banner before the upcoming events.
- Ed. WA2NDA, handed in his club keys to the president. Don handed the keys to Jim, KC2OUT.
- Lloyd updated club members on the repeater interference problems
- 5 new members we welcomed to the club
- Wa2RJP brought to our attention that the cause of the hum on the repeater in the past was due to a circuit board in the power supply that had been damaged by an exploding capacitor
- Megan picked the 50/50 winner. Congratulations to Bob and Carol
- Meeting closed at 8:55PM, Next meeting April 12, 2007
- After a short break the floor was handed over to our guest speaker, Bob, N2LXL who spoke about antennas and transmission lines.