JSARS Business Meeting - April 12, 2007
The minutes from the April 12, 2007 JSARS Business Meeting:
- Meeting opened by the President, Don, K2HCW
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Moment of Silence for our troops
- Roll Call
- Minutes of March Meeting accepted as posted on web site Motion by Chuck. K2RXN and seconded by Frank, K2IYE
- Treasurer’s Report Noted and accepted Motion by Bob, N2LXL and seconded by Frank, K2IYE
- Old Business
- The date for the JSARS Hamfest is August 18th at Riverwood. We have the Facility from 6 am till 2 pm.
- Toms River Founders Day June 2, 2007
- Ocean County Fair is July 10 - 15 at Miller Air Park
- New Business
- The club's new banner arrived, as did the window sign for the local tackle store.
- Additionally, stickers with the same logo as the banner are available for $5 each. Please see Valerie to purchase one.
- The timeout on the repeater has been raised from 2 minutes to 3 minutes.
- The 146.910 repeater new controller - Discussion of the reasoning behind the need for a new controller and options were presented by Jim, WA2RJP. After the presentation of the information, it was voted that the club spend the approximately $680 for the new controller and associated software, adapters, etc...
- The 443.350 repeater is in need of some attention. The antenna is tilted and needs to b e fixed. The tilted antenna can been seen either in person from the road or via MSN's Live aerial photographs. A work party of KC2OUT, N2KPC, and WA2RJP is being organized to correct the situation. The location of the repeater on top of hanger 1 may delay access.
- Welcome to our newest member N2MEL, was voted in tonight.
- Field Day
- Bob, N2LXL, has suggested that we setup an operating schedule for the club station
- The May meeting will focus on Field Day organization. Please bring your thoughts and ideas to the meeting
- Lloyd, N2KPC, estimates that he will have 14 people interested in radio that will visit our location on Field Day.
- Meeting closed, next meeting May 10, 2007