11 July 2024 Meeting Minutes


JSARS Business Meeting Minutes

11 July 2024


  • Meeting came to order at 19:02.

  • Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence, followed by roll call.

  • Secretary, John, KC2KTH, read last meetings minutes. Minutes approved by Charlie, N1CRR and Tom, KD9BVC.

  • TREASURY REPORT read by Joe, N2JRJ advices that the current balance for June was $xxx.00.

  • TRAFFIC NET REPORT for month of June 2024 was presented by Charlie, N1CRR.

    • Total Check-ins: 531

    • Messages In/Out: 32/32

    • Total Minutes: 541

    • Sessions: 30

    • Participants: 561

      Traffic net report approved by Dennis, W2DDS, Bill, KD2MZM, and Nick, KC2FAL.


    • K2MD, Jerry, mentioned a Toms River Times article that discussed Ocean County allocated $12.5M to address homelessness and long-standing criticism of lacking a homeless shelter. Money to be divided between two organizations to help address this issue though shelter and other programs.

    • K2MD, Jerry, also discussed upcoming events including an CQ Magazine sponsored a VHF contest on 2/6m 2 pm Sat – 5 pm Sun, all modes. Only grid square needed for station ID and an event on 13 July from noon – 7 pm NI6IW, USS Midway commemorating Independence Day. Best opportunity on 20m. CW, SSB, digital modes.

    • K2HVE, Chris, Field Day summary. Great job by all, especially considering the heat. Called the event at 10 am Sunday due to heat. Thanks to all who participated and contributed. Last year’s score was 2470. This year’s score preliminary score of 2455. The Red Cross stopped at the event and provided the club a certificate indicating we are “Red Cross Ready”, acknowledging effort in demonstrating operations under less than optimal conditions. Also, a state QSO party to be held on 21 – 22 September 14:00 – 01:59 UTC.

    • N1CRR received the replacement antenna for the packet station. He and Jim, WA2RJP, will head to Lakehurst to install. However, a new power issue at the site has been observed and needs to be addressed. Jim and Charlie will work to resolve. Jim explained this also impacts the 70cm and 900MHz repeaters are impacted as all share the same power source.

    • Ike brought up giving some thought to how we want to handle Winter Field Day in January. If the club space is in use, Joan and Ike have offered to host at their home.

  • Old Business

    • Richie acknowledged the successful Field Day, not much OB to discuss.

  • New Business

    • Collections taken for new cabinets, purchased 2 cabinets for $400. KD9BVC Tom picked these up and brought to the club. Motion made by N1CRR and seconded by WB2BNB and KD2MDM to reimburse Tom the cost of the cabinets from those funds.

    • Tom asked Jerry, Ike, Joan, Chris, Richie to stand to be acknowledged for effort in cleaning out old cabinets and organizing equipment on Sunday. A total of 38 man-hours donated.

    • Richie KD2PGP brought up looking over website hosting. Jim advised we have donated hosting and he believes the software side is under our control, what is donated is solely space where we may be able to install any software we like. As we may not have in-house expertise, Mary (FAL) mentioned she may be able to help us find someone to assist.

    • Richie rec’d email from Ron Fish DVRA is having an open house picnic 18 Aug in Trenton. Please feel free to attend. 12 p – 5 p.

    • Joan brought a coffee pot so for future meetings we will have coffee for meetings and gatherings.

    • Dennis, W2DDS, asked a question about opening our repeating to help with member recruitment. Clarified that it is echolink that is not open, but RF is. Dennis indicated concern that with the RF side being local only, having open echolink would allow conversations over a wider area. Charlie N1CRR provided clarfication that when echolink was open, it was difficult to use because there was overwhelming traffic and people “fast keying”, not allowing echolink to drop so other stations can access the repeater.

    • Ike WB2BNB reminded everyone he and Joan invited the group to their home on Sunday.

    • John N2LKS mentioned DVRA has a station with an impressive array of equipment that the public can visit

  • Meeting closed at 19:33, motion made by Ike, second by Tom

Testing a direct link to download minutes here