8 August 2024 Meeting Minutes


JSARS Business Meeting Minutes

8 August 2024


  • Meeting came to order at 19:00.

  • Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence, followed by roll call.

  • Vote in new applicant W2BS, Barry Summers. Barry was present and introduced himself before vote. Motion to accept by Joe, N2JRJ, second by Tom, KD9VBC.

  • Dennis, W2DDS, is home from hospital, but Brian, WA2FAX, is in hospital. Ike is present and recovering well. Best wishes to all.

  • READING OF MINUTES Secretary, John, KC2KTH, read minutes from the last meeting. Motion to accept by Bill, KD2MZM, seconded by John, N2LGS.

  • TREASURY REPORT Joe, N2JRJ, gave treasury report, advised regarding cost of cabinets has been paid from account and of account balance. Motion to accept by “Big D”, AA2BD, seconded by Nick, KC2FAL.

  • TRAFFIC NET REPORT for month of July 2024 presented by Charlie, N1CRR. Motion to accept by Joe, N2JRJ and seconded by John, N2LGS.

    • 534 check-ins

    • 31/31 messages in/out

    • 512 minunite

    • 31 sessions

    • 565 participants


    • Chris, K2HVE, NJ QSO party coming up on 21 Sept 10:00 – 21:59 EDT. Considering doing something at the club for the event.

    • Chris also noted HF has been terrible lately. Charlie N1CRR mentioned impact of significant solar flare. Some discussion occurred around flares and upcoming end of cycle in 2028.

    • Jerry, K2MD, Planning a talk on traffic net message handling for last Thursday of September. Jerry is looking for volunteers to participate.

    • Charlie, N1CRR, Discussed upcoming MS150 2-day bicycle race dubbed “city to shore.” They are seeking ham operators who can travel via motorcycle to assist with safety and logistics during the race. Riders will be provided with a GPS tracker. Riders will ensure participate safety in traffic, locate any riders who become disabled on route. Race begins and ends at Cherry Hill train station. Contact Charlie via email for additional information. Coming up Sept 28-29th.

    • Richie, KD2PGP, reminded us that DVRA is having their open picnic on August 18th at Trenton Field.


    • KD2PGP - Cabinets are up and filled, labeled. Thanks to Charlie for making the labels!

    • KD2PGP - Joan brought in a coffee pot for us to have coffee at meetings.


    • KD2PDP brought up conversations Tom, KD9VBC, has had with Parks & Rec to get electric fixed, escalated to Mayor’s office for assistance and issue with electric was resolved. Exhaust fans should be repaired soon as well.

    • Tom, KD9BVC, discussed issues about miscommunication regarding building access and that it has been resolved.

    • Tom asked that members and non-members refrain from posting information that has not been confirmed to social media. This will help us prevent these types of miscommunication in the future.

    • JSARS Christmas party will occur this year!

    • Tom reminded all members to please be on time for meetings, and refrain from walking in at the last minute. Also, please make sure to sign in on the clipboard to ensure we have an accurate headcount.

    • Jerry, K2MD, mentioned a clothing drive and that we should identify some local organizations in need of the donations. JSARS wants to make sure we publicize this public outreach effort.

    • Tom, KD9BVC, asked the club about having food at weekly meetings. Club was in favor, so everyone can feel free to bring something to share going forward.

    • Jim, WA2RJP, no power still at Lakehurst. There are limitations of emergency power (UPS), it can’t run equipment indefinitely. No ETA to resolve main power issue.

    • Tom mentioned being asked about equipment insurance. We do not currently have insurance on equipment in the building. Tom will call around regarding loss, theft, etc. coverage.

    • Discussion around changing banking to interest-bearing account. Discussed using online accounts for interest and transferring money from existing account. Mixed thoughts on this. KD2ZJG, Steve, mentioned how little financial benefit there would be to this effort.

    • Joan asked about looking at fundraisers to help the club.

    • Chris mentioned going to the InfoAge hamfest. Turnout didn’t appear to be good.

  • Meeting Closed at 19:44 with 19 attendees, so moved by Ike, WA2BNB, seconded by Big D, AA2BD.

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