12 September 2024 Meeting Minutes


JSARS Business Meeting Minutes

12 Sept 2024


  • Meeting came to order at 19:00.

  • Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence, followed by roll call.

  • READING OF MINUTES Secretary, John, KC2KTH, read minutes from the last meeting. Motion to accept by Jerry, K2MD, seconded by John, N2LGS.

  • TREASURY REPORT Joe, N2JRJ, gave treasury report, advised of recent deposits and an upcoming withdrawal. Motion to accept by Dave, N2WCO, seconded by Bill, KD2MZM.

  • TRAFFIC NET REPORT for month of August presented by Charlie, N1CRR. Motion to accept by Steve, KB2GGD and seconded by Nick, KC2FAL.

    • 553 check-ins

    • 32/32 messages in/out

    • 476 minutes

    • 31 sessions

    • 584 participants


    • Chris, K2HVE, advised on upcoming “NJ QSO Party” on 21 September 10 am – 9:59 pm local, building to be opened at 9 am local. Tom advised permit received and covers that period of time. Advised on bands, modes, station sharing, and format based on past events. Advised on software to be used for logging, low power (150w or less).

    • Regarding digital, Jerry advised that FT8 may not be a good fit. PSK31 or FT4 would be better. We’ll need to address digital station going forward – significant points gained on Field Day in the past (~30% of total).

    • Jim, WA2RJP, advised on status of our repeaters. Our 440 MHz machine is broke, working to determine path. Packet system is up, but needs antenna replaced. 220 & 6m are at Rt 9 and Rt 70, other repeaters are at Lakehurst except for 910 on Hooper. Charlie and Ricky went up tower at Lakehurst and found breaker tripped. Reset it, some came back up, 440 did not. Supplies and equipment must be carried up or down as needed, all ~200 ft up with antennas an additional 40 ft above that. Climbs must be coordinated and planned.

    • Chris, K2HVE mentioned band conditions with current cycle. Charlie, N1CRR mentioned peak is expected in 2026. Highest flux since 2002, but CMEs have been challenging.


    • Tom, KD9BVC, asked Joe about bank account status and potential for earning interest. Finding was account balance is not high enough to generate reasonable interest considering effort needed to move account.

    • Tom, KD9BVC, advised on insurance status. As of 1 January club will likely change to ARRL affiliate provider to reduce cost by nearly 50%. Equipment insurance would cost an additional $1 per month per $100 insured, likely not necessary considering historic losses compared to cost.

    • Chris, K2HVE, made a motion that we continue self insure against loss in lieu of a paid policy. Seconded by Steve, KB2GGD. Passed unanimously.


    • Tom, KD9BVC, brought up fundraising possibilities for the club. Ideas discussed included bingo, but want to avoid cash changing hands, model similar to Casino nights.

    • John, KC2KTH, raised public awareness and outreach to help increase membership and dues intake. Club needs to consider how to keep the club running with new members that will champion the hobby, the club, and the public service aspect.

    • Charlie, N1CRR, discussed passed scout outreach and challenges including background checks that club would need to absorb. Suggested participating in “career days” at local schools.

    • Tom, KD9BVC, mentioned challenges to radio from mobile devices and other tech. Discussion about how these challenges have been around in various forms for a while.

    • Jim mentioned that the Ocean County Fair used to allow the club to have a table for free, but club stopped going when fair started charging a fee for table.

    • Tom, KD9VBC brought up support is still needed for the City to Shore Bike run supporting MS research. Charlie provided additional detail on logistics of event, mentioned that over 10,000 bicycles participate in the event.

    • Tom, KD9VBC, brought up status of in stock and new shirts, hoodies, and jackets availability, sizing, pricing.

    • Revisited promotion. Member mentioned doing an event as his church, Charlie volunteered to help with organization and delivering.

    • Tom, KD9VBC, suggested volunteers sitting at stores, malls with a table, banner, and some radios to raise awareness. Tom will advise via net.

    • Charlie, N1CRR, mentioned importance of doing proper exposure studies every time a demo is set up and to have those available for inspection.

    • Charlie, N1CRR, advised that Jim, KC1MRR has joined the net control team. He will manage one of the post-net round tables as well. Round table numbers will now be included in net totals going forward, reporting will be simplified per Charlie, N1CRR.

  • Meeting Closed at 19:52 with 14 attendees, so moved by Charlie, N1CRR, seconded by Jerry, K2MD.

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