10 October 2024 Meeting Minutes


JSARS Business Meeting Minutes

10 October 2024


  • Meeting came to order at 19:00.

  • Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence, followed by roll call.

  • READING OF MINUTES Secretary, John, KC2KTH, read minutes from the last meeting. Motion to accept by John, N2LGS, seconded by Chris, K2HVE.

  • TREASURY REPORT Joe, N2JRJ, gave treasury report. Motion to accept by Tom, KD9BVC, seconded by John, N2LGS.

  • TRAFFIC NET REPORT for month of September presented by Charlie, N1CRR. Motion to accept by KD9BVC and seconded by Jerry, K2MD.

    • 533 check-ins

    • 30/30 messages in/out

    • 512 minutes

    • 30 sessions

    • 563 participants



    • (Chris K2HVE) NJ QSO Party was held 21 Sept at the clubhouse. Operated 4 hours, made 35 contacts. Some personal issues prevented CW & Digital operation.

    • (Chris K2HVE) Winter Field Day upcoming 25-26 January.

    • (Chris K2HVE) Discussed current solar flux conditions, compared with cycle 23.

    • (Chris K2HVE) Mentioned how the club members are refocusing on radio operation – net checkins using club call.

    • (Jerry K2MD) Discussed situation with hurricanes in FL, impact. Also effectiveness of traffic nets operating there.

    • (Jerry K2MD) Suggests and volunteered to do more net activity to help ops improve skills.

    • (Jerry K2MD) Major CME heading our way this day or next, upcoming aurora visibility in NJ. Impact to power grid and how power cos respond to remediate. Improved DX on 2m due to this CME.

    • (Jerry K2MD) Recognized net operation on Mondays by Ike assisted by Joan. Led to explanation to club on function of “control operator” role. Also thanked Joan for prepping the newsletter.

    • (Charlie, N1CRR) Added to description of the Control Operator role, and how tasks are shared between roles to operating a station.

    • (Chris, K2HVE) Discussed emergency operation by even non-licensed individuals.

    • (Joan) Asked about club’s emergency preparedness. KC2VXI commented regarding how net operators take responsibility for ensuring the net runs. Compared to NC/TN/FL current emergency ops. Conversation continued about club’s and club member’s resources that are available in case of emergency.

    • (Jim, WA2RJP) No changes with club repeater status. Mentioned ISS has been sending SSTV content now until Monday via 2m.


    • (Richie, KC2PGP) Thanked Chris (K2HVE) for effort on QSO party, thanks to Nick (KC2FAL) for making the contacts.

    • (Richie, KC2PGP) Focus on fundraising for club. John, KC2KTH brought up concept of a food drive on behalf of who, operated by JSARS for club recognition.

    • (Charlie, N1CRR) Brought up the “Maker Fair” that the club had done in the past as another opportunity.


    • (Tom, KD9BVC) Christmas party will happen in December at clubhouse. Patti and Joan will be coordinating who is bringing what. Date is same as regular business meeting, so 12 December.

    • (Tom, KD9BVC) Dues collection usually starts at Christmas party, but no need to wait. Start mailing in payments. Name and callsign on check. Membership cards will be provided by club.

    • (Tom, KD9VBC) Club coats and hoodies can be ordered, but get orders in early as there is lead time. Sizing is important, so check before you buy.

    • (Tom, KD9VBC) Asked about additional input on food drive. Rt37 ShopRite has great foot traffic, but limits mentioned. Discussed promotion via media and Facebook, if Facebook was opened to public viewing. Should target w/e 9th or 16th to allow time to deliver ahead of Thanksgiving.

    • (Joan) Inquired if the club sent a donation in Dave Cassiere’s name (WA2EZG). We had not, motion made by KC1MRR second by ? Motion accepted.

  • Meeting Closed at 19:58 with 16 attendees, so moved by Charlie, N1CRR, seconded by Chris, K2HVE.

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