9 January 2025 Meeting Minutes
JSARS Business Meeting Minutes
9 January 2025
Meeting came to order at 19:00.
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence, followed by roll call.
READING OF MINUTES Secretary, KC2KTH, John, read minutes from the last meeting. Motion to accept by N1CRR, Charlie, seconded by N2JRJ, Joe.
TREASURY REPORT N2JRJ, Joe, gave treasury report, [DETAIL]. Motion to accept by KD9BVC, Tom, seconded by W2CO, Dave.
TRAFFIC NET REPORT for month of December presented by N1CRR, Charlie. Motion to accept by N2LGS, John and seconded by N2JRJ, Joe.
530 check-ins
32/32 messages in/out
513 minutes
31 sessions
561 participants
Annual Net Report Summary for 2024
7000 check-ins
393/393 messages in/out
6547 minutes
366 sessions
7167 participants
Update from K2MD, Jerry re ongoing worldwide DX contest ending 2 weeks
K2MD, Jerry also mentioned changes to the post-net round table, will now be M-W-F nights only
KD9BVC, Tom updated us on changes to VE program as online testing is becoming more popular. This will create a financial and logistical burden as the club will need computers, internet access to provide this service. Additional info in QST. Jim, WA2RJP provided additional info on new process.
N1CRR, Charlie explained an opportunity to publicize the upcoming Winter Field Day via NJ101.5 on their web-based calendar. Charlie to update that calendar w/ club approval.
WA2RJP, Jim, provided updates on repeaters. Issues continue at Lakehurst with the 70cm and packet repeaters. To be addressed when weather improves.
KD2PGP, Richie read update from Chris (K2HVE) regarding Winter Field Day at the club. Two stations will be running under club call, NJ2AR.
Jerry mentioned a clothing drive – collect clothing at the club for donation
Tom raised topic of fundraiser to benefit the club, and raising interest in JSARS and the hobby in general. Suggested reaching out to former club members and invite them back.
Joan raised topic of bringing back regular club training/demonstration programs by members on various topics. Topic ideas raised included PSK31, stealth antennas, digital radio programming, basic electronic skills, how repeaters work, and SSTV.
Meeting Closed at 19:52 with 13 attendees, so moved by N1CRR, Charlie, seconded by N2JRJ, Joe.