JSARS Business Meeting - April 10, 2008
The minutes from the April 10, 2008 JSARS Business Meeting:
- Meeting opened by the President, Don, K2HCW
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Moment of Silence for our troops
- Roll Call
- Minutes of February Meeting, as on the website, were read and accepted
- Treasurer’s Report Noted and accepted. Motion by Frank, K2IYE, seconded by Evan, KC2QPH
- Old Business
- Jim, WA2RJP, was afforded a round of applause for his time and effort in setting up the 440 repeater
- Hamfest - tables have been ordered. The HamFest will be on Saturday, April 12th
- New Business
- Megan Lange was thanked with a unanimous round of applause for her announcement on the repeater
- Membership of the Cumella family was noted
- A thank you letter from Boy Scout Troop 60 was read regarding their inclusion in our Winter Field Day
- A reminder that the club elections will be at the June meeting. Nominations for officers will be accepted at the May meeting
- Founders Day was mentioned in passing. Particulars will be available as the day approaches
- A Motion to close the meeting was made and seconded
- Meeting closed, next meeting May 8th, 2008