JSARS Business Meeting - June 12, 2008
The minutes from the June 12, 2008 JSARS Business Meeting:
- Meeting opened by the President, Don, K2HCW
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Moment of Silence for our troops
- Roll Call
- Thanks were given for all who attended
- Minutes of May Meeting were read and accepted
- Treasurers reports was given and accepted
- Old Business
- The JSARS summer Hamfest will be held on August 17th (Sunday)at Riverwood Park.
- Founder's Day was a huge success. Thank you's were given to all that helped and attended
- New Business
- A motion to accept five applications was made and accepted
- The current Board of Directors were reelected with no opposing candidates
- New shirts are ordered and should arrive by Field Day. Shirts will be sold at a cost of $12
- Frank, K2IYE, of Cheapham has donated a Rigblaster for digital mode use. We have seen a large amount of inquiries on digital mode. Thank you to Frank for a generous donation
- Field Day 2008 is coming up in two weeks
- On the Thursday before Field Day all are invited to Don's and Darleen's for a pre-Field Day party
- At Field Day we are going to try and come up with some ideas for the JSAR's trailer
- The Ocean County Fair is being held from July 8-13th
- Motion to Close the meeting was made and seconded.
- Meeting closed, next meeting July 10, 2008.