May 13, 2010
May 13, 2010
Minute of silence
Roll call
Prior minutes accepted as posted on the website. WA2FAX and KC2QFL
Treasures report given and accepted. WA2FAX and N2RAI
Hamfest in April was a huge success. Thank you everyone
Repeaters: A vote was taken on $2000.00 allowance for the 220 repeater to be used towards climber, cable and antenna ect….
Nominations for the 2010-2011 Board. Brian WA2FAX re-nominated the current board and positions 2nd by N2YQS Rocky.
2 new members were voted in and approved making our current membership 100 strong! WELCOME TO JSARS.
The club will not be participating in the Founders Day nor the OC Fair.
Meeting was closed N2YQS and K2IYE