January 10, 2013
January 10, 2013
Meeting called to order 19450hrs
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Roll Call
Minutes of the December meeting were accepted by Brian WA2FAX and Valerie KC2KGE
Treasurer’s report given by Darleen and accepted by Frank K2IYE and Dennis W2DDS
OLD BUISNESS: The Christmas Party went well. There was plenty of food with everyone bringing a pot-luck dish. Thank you to Frank K2IYE (Cheapham) for the donation of the prizes.
Please remember to pay your dues if you have not already done so.
NEW BUISNESS: Looking to possibly change the Spring Hamfest to May and the Summer Hamfest to September. Don K2HCW will start looking at possible dates so that the hamfests do not conflict with any other hamfests in the area. Also, looking to move the location to the Ocean County Agricultural building on Sunset Ave in Toms River.
Winter Field Day is January 26/27, all interested are welcomed at Riverwood.
January 19 ARRL contests include the VHF/UHF contest and the HF Sweepstakes.
Vice-President: Jim WA2RJP reported that during Hurricane Sandy, there was a power failure at the JSARS 146.910 repeater. Thank you to Mike KD2AHG for the use of his generator at the site. Thank you to Frank K2IYE for bringing an even bigger generator!
The 440 repeater (443.350) at Lakehurst lost its antenna off the top of Hangar 1, as did the Packet. Jim has new antennas for both, but has to wait for permission from Lakehurst Naval Base.
The JSARS repeater is also off frequency. The 2m transmitter crystal is not working. A new crystal element has been ordered. The temperature reading will also be corrected.
NEW MEMBERS: Welcome Raymond KC2TPK, Kevin KD2CVG, and Mike K1MH
January birthdays celebrated
Meeting closed at 2010hrs Joe N2RAI and Kenny