March 9, 2013

May 9, 2013
Meeting called to order 1900hrs
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Roll Call
Minutes of the April meeting accepted by Brian WA2FAX and Frank K2IYE
Treasurer: report given by Darleen and accepted by Valerie KC2KGE and Jakkie KC2POT
Vice President:  Jim WA2RJP has been trying to get into Lakehurst Naval Base to work on the Packet Unit on top of Hangar One, but his contact has not been available.
Field Day is June 21st, 22nd and 23rd at Riverwood Park
 For Fall Hamfest, Ocean County Fairgrounds was looked into, but they require a $500 deposit. Steve KC2YQZ will look into getting Pine Park in Lakewood on County Line Rd.
Nominations will be held at the June meeting. Anyone wanting to run for a position, please contact Don or Darleen.
Lloyd N2KPC will be stepping down as Trustee.
Darleen KC2HCW dominated Steve KC2YQZ. Steve accepts domination.
The Ocean Monmouth Amateur Radio Club will have their Hamfest Saturday May 18th at Camp Evans.
The Riverwood building was broken into by a group of juveniles and vandalized. Don K2HCW and Darleen KC2HCW cleaned the mess and graffiti. JSARS equipment was taken out of the lockers, but everything is accounted for. Tom KC2QLB painted the walls and a new door to the closet was installed along with new locks to the lockers. Toms River Police and OC Sheriff CIU are investigating.
Anyone wanting to upgrade their license, see Lloyd N2KPC for assistance.
Steve AC2ST stated that the new Wouxon program is available at JSARS and he will assist anyone with it.
Lloyd N2KPC has blueprints available if someone would like to make their own J-Pole
Military Cross Band contest May 11th and 12th
Richie KC2ROJ had surgery and is doing well!
Four new members have applied and have been accepted into the club: Keith KC2JBZ, Larry N6BQD, Bruce KC2IJS, and Issac KD2DUU. Welcome to the club!!
May birthdays were honored
Meeting closed 1930hrs – Joe N2RAI and Keith KC2JBZ