March 13, 2014

 March 13, 2014

Meeting called to order 1900hrs
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Roll Call
There were no minutes for February due to the meeting being cancelled due to snow.
President and Treasurer absent for this meeting. Vice President to run meeting.
Treasurer’s report: No report
Vice President: Jim (WA2RJP) explained that Tiger Cubs were in the house and were able to make some contacts on the radios
 Jim (WA2RJP), Charlie (N1CRR), and John (N2QKV) went to Lakehurst and fixed the packet unit. The 440 repeater was taken home by Jim to be fixed properly. Also, the 900mh repeater squelch was adjusted. Any info or questions on the 900mh repeater, or any other repeater, please contact Jim or John.
President Don (K2HCW) booked the date for this year’s Spring Hamfest; It will be Sunday May 18th. Flyer is on the website.
Kathy (Dennis’ DDS wife) announced that she will again be walking the MS Walk in Seaside Park in April. Any donations are greatly appreciated.
Valerie made the motion to donate $100.00 to the MS Walk, the same amount the club donates every year. All present approved, none opposed.
Brian WA2FAX commented on how much better the 2m repeater sounds since the new antenna was installed.
Lloyd (N2PKC) explained how to contact the International Space Station. Any questions, please ask Lloyd.
The following members received official certificates from South Jersey Traffic Net:
  • Charlie (N1CRR)
  • Frank (N2IYE)
  • Rocky (N2YQS)
  • Ed (WA2NDA)
  • Jim (WA2RJP)
  • Joe (N2RAI)
  • Brian (WA2FAX)
  • Willy (AA2SV)
  • Keith (KC2JBZ)
Meeting closed 1920hrs – Motion by Keith (KC2JBZ) and Lloyd (N2KPC)